Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guess What?

Guess What?
I am still fat. In fact I have gained weight. WTH.
I took Henry, the 9 year old, to Target last week. He was totally sucking up because he wanted a new Lego, so he came around to the driver's side of the van and opened my door for me. How sweet is that?
I stepped out of the car and thanked him politely.
"Mom, that is so cool"
"What is Henry?" I say as I smile lovingly at my little gentleman while looking around to see if any other Moms saw how wonderful my child was.
"I can tell how heavy you are because when you got out of the car the entire thing raised higher"
"Yeah, when you got out, the car got higher on that side, and since you were the only one in the car that means you were the reason the car was sitting lower. That's cool." As he heads towards Target. He pauses and wonders about the stricken look on my face. He is also very tuned in to people's feelings. This time he speaks slower hoping I might understand if he does.
"Mom get it, cause you put pressure on the tires... What's wrong?"
"Henry I get it, but I think that you just called me fat"
Henry totally horrified thinking of the lost Lego "NO Mom, it just means you are big enough to move the car....." He trailed off, then said
"Mom I don't think you are fat, can we still look at the Legos?"

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